Friday, December 21, 2012

Visual Techniques

  Visual Techniques:
- Contrast
- Complexity


Visual Techniques:
- Stasis

These two posters are similar in many ways; they use contrasting graphic elements to create artistic and abstract images. They are both representing musicians/bands. The Beatles poster is very active, combining many different shapes and images into the one central image of all 4 Beatles faces. The center title of the band name is in Multiple colors, which contrasts against the black background. Overall, this poster is very random and complex and draws the users eye in, creating a whimsical and spontaneous mood. The Iron and Wine poster depicts a lion made of graphic leaves and flowers. It is more flat and static, and the symmetry creates for a more calming and soothing mood. The subtlety of the Lion and the muted green color add to the overall effect. 

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