Friday, December 21, 2012


Example of excellent contrast:

This MadMen poster is an example of excellent contrast. Using bold colors such as red, black, and white is eye catching and draws a user's attention in. The polarities between and man and woman define each other, and create a difference in the gender roles. Because this show takes place in the 1950's, this is relevant to bring to the viewer's attention. This ad uses contrast successfully to create opposites and uses color to "pop" out of the ad. 

Example of poor contrast:

This ad does not use contrast in a successful way. The jeans which are being sold are almost the same color as the background of the website. With the dark on dark colors, there is little to no polarities. Therefore, there is no relief from one object to the next. The jeans do not stand out at all, making it difficult for the user to distinguish the products. If this website had used a lighter background color, the contrast would have been successful. 

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