Thursday, September 13, 2012

Designed Visual Information:


This mural of 2 men kissing is a clear representation of equality and love. Although it is in a different language, the straight forward painting clearly conveys the message. It is very detailed and leaves room for interpretation of what the message might by. The purpose of this mural might be to raise awareness, to challenge the viewer intellectually and emotionally. The men portrayed in this mural appear to be wearing business suits, which adds to the detail of the entire piece.

In Berlin, I visited a Jewish memorial consisting of many squares and rectangle shapes of concrete. Each one was a gray color and completely solid. There were hundreds of these squares, and the memorial was designed as a maze, with straight lines of these blocks in rows of varying height. The representation of this memorial was the war and the suffering the Jewish people of Europe faced. This is communicated to the viewer in the form of concrete walls that created a visual and physical impact of the feeling of being trapped.


The "less than three" symbol, i.e. a heart, is one of the most common symbols used in texting, instant messaging, and online communication to convey "love" or a heart. Viewers who are familiar with coding or online language would understand this but there is a chance that many viewers who are not in the know about these things would be clueless to what this mean. Although overused by teenaged girls everywhere, the "less than three" symbol is almost ubiquitous now as meaning "love." It derives from an actual icon of a heart shape, but also refers to the idea of love or "like." This symbol is culture dependent on the new technology era of texting and typing.

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