Thursday, October 18, 2012

Visual Perception &Feature Hierarchy

I chose this band poster as my hierarchy example. The first cue that my mind received upon looking at this poster is the red bird and type (i.e. the first level of hierarchy here is color). The shape of the bird creates a sense of motion, and it's large size stands out (i.e. the second level is shape and size.)
The next thing I picked up on were the circular flower shapes in yellow and blue, which stand out against the red of the bird and title type. The placement of these shapes created depth as well as rhythm to this poster. Finally my eyes rested on the red type details of the show at the bottom of the poster. Overall I found this hierarchy effective because it encompassed art and color , red in this case, in a way that make the user easily understand what this design represented.

(Sorry there was no blog entry last week! )

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